nosce te ipsum

Demotape produced by Energeia - Italy - sold out
New remastered edition with new layout by Twilight Records - 2008

Aigues Mortes
   Tu es la force du silence
Flée et Fabian
Nosce Te Ipsum

> Lyrics <

...the states of mind and heart collected in the pages of a voluminous book, "Prophetia". Is destiny driven by accident or by Fortune ? A Kafkian succession of questions without answer in a re-created inquisitorial trial of our times, the slow march of a humanity who tries desperately and unsuccesfully to know itself bearing the burden of its own chaotic existence and blindness. Finally, an act of rebellion and courage, an awakened consciousness that could lead to a new birth and refound harmony in the fluid cycle of Nature where every gesture and sound acquires a metaphysical value. Will we be able to transform the rought material into Gold ?

The music of this release was written for the homonym Ataraxia's theatrical pièce inspired by Franz Kafka's "The Trial".

"Each of us,
believe me,
is just what he chooses to be"