"The guitar stood out like none I've heard before. The Spanish-like plucking
was crystal clear and the other styles used throughout the night also shared an
amazing clarity. I've never heard such a terrific sound in a small venue
before. A roland JV80 synth was used to provide some superb wind
instrument sounds to back up the real ones being used live. The combined effect
was entirely in keeping with the style of the music, yet when the keyboards
went into obvious electronic sound territory the harmonious effect was
sustained. But by far the last memorable element of the performance was a
highly impressive lead vocalist. Looking like an extra who'd just walked off
the set of Excalibur, this pre-Raphaelite blonde showed that not only did she
have an almost opera-quality voice but that she also demonstrated impressive
versatility. One moment applying an operatic approach, that suddenly
switching to a soulful or sassy style the next, and then back again. Her vocal
performance alone was mesmerizing. A madrigal utilising all the three
vocalists was equally captivating. With other band members playing different
instruments and adding different backing vocals to great effect, and with
silent masked performer appearing in different roles and interacting with the
singer, ATARAXIA are certainly one of the most unusual live bands I've seen
in a long while. Digital folk for the new millenium anyone?"
(Dark Star Audio - web site - ATARAXIA Borderline October 16th '99) England