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Ataraxia and Circuz Kump - Paris Spleen (cd Cold Meat Industry)

Posted on 15 May, 2007 - Bookmark at
This collaboration between Ataraxia and the Circuz Kump drama company is a kind of conceptual release, on which they go in search of the ‘cabarets macabres’ that has been famous in the early 20th century for exposing all kind of freaks. You maybe remember this excellent black & white movie entitled “Freaks” illustrating all kind of freaks in their own role. The idea of this cabaret has been transposed into music and the less I can say is that it works really well. You feel an evolution in the style of Ataraxia towards a kind of cabaret music played with accordion and containing this typical mood from the fairgrounds. The songs have been sung in French and Italian language while the lyrics are sometimes quite funny (cf. “Mon cher toutou…”). The “Où vont les chiens”-song is a quite efficient illustration of the “Paris Spleen”-release. I’ll also mention the “Tango des asters”-cut for the flamenco guitar parts and “Petite chanson lycantrope” for the excellent vocal duo and the accordion which here again brings us a typical folk-like melody. More than a challenge, this album is probably one of my favorites where Ataraxia has been involved on! (DP:8)DP.

image Music Non Stop

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